5 lesser known benefits of pilates

Pilates is so much more than an exercise system, it is a lifestyle choice that not only enhances your physical fitness, but your mental health and wellbeing too.

“Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness”

- Joseph Pilates

The life’s work of German born Joseph Pilates, an innovator way ahead of his time, it is only when you study the classical system and its original intentions that you discover the lesser known benefits of Pilates.

Pilates has always been known for improving posture, increasing strength, flexibility, and endurance. With its strong celebrity following, it very quickly became a must do form of exercise, especially for those who wanted to achieve a sculpted body. There are however many more benefits, some not so obvious, that for me far exceed its ability to enhance your physical appearance.

Here are my top five ways that Pilates develops both physical fitness and mind health:

1. Pilates is a workout for your mind

Often clients say that Pilates is as much a workout for the mind as it is for the body. For many, it is the only time that they focus completely on themselves. Pilates requires concentration and focus; there is little benefit in doing it on autopilot. Even when following the classical order of exercises your body will respond differently each time so there will always be something new to discover.

2. Pilates calms your nervous system

Any form of movement that we do will have a significant effect on our wellbeing. Pilates in particular requires very mindful movement, engaging specific muscle groups. This enhanced mind-body connection has a very calming effect on our nervous system as our body releases stress-fighting and mood-boosting hormones.

Don’t believe us? Hit the image to try Karen’s 60 minute Classical Pilates Flow!


3. Pilates reduces stress and tension

Whether you are aware of it or not, stress and anxiety get stored in our bodies and create both physical and emotional tension. Pilates, due to the deep muscle activation and the stretching element of each exercise, has an impact on the deep tissues where the stress and tension builds up. With continuous practice over time, stress and tension will significantly reduce.

“A body free from nervous tension and fatigue is the ideal shelter provided by nature for housing a well balanced mind, fully capable of successfully meeting all the complex problems of modern living”

- Joseph Pilates

4. Pilates helps you manage your emotions

As with stress and anxiety, unresolved emotions also build up in our bodies and will be reflected in our posture and movements. When we carry tension in certain parts of our bodies, it is often relating to an emotion that we are holding on to. We mostly carry these emotions in areas close to our centre i.e shoulders, stomach, back, so Pilates is perfectly placed to help shift it.

In addition to Pilates, I work with energy and sound healing. Observing where in the body the emotional baggage is stored I use energy healing, sound frequencies and vibrations to create awareness around the stored emotions. This in turn facilitates the natural healing process.

5. Pilates increases confidence and makes you happier.

First and foremost, if you enjoy what you are doing, it will make you happy. When we exercise the body releases feel-good, mood-boosting hormones such as endorphins. This release in itself is enough to make you feel happy. Additionally, it is the satisfaction and sense of achievement you get from completing a focused workout.

So next time you are in a mat class or the Pilates studio think about the experience that you are having beyond the physical. Compare how you are feeling in your body, and your mindset, from start to finish.

Karen is the founder of Pilates From Within and has been teaching Pilates for over a decade; specialising in classical Pilates since 2012. From her classically equipped studio in Haslemere, Karen offers tailored Pilates training solutions.

She has trained hundreds of clients on their journey to improved health and wellbeing through a combination of Pilates practice, Energy and Sound Healing; a unique blend of practices that alleviates physical symptoms, resets emotions and brings equilibrium and a sense of wellbeing.

Karen Eccles

Karen has over 12 years of teaching experience and 20 years of personal practice. Originally Contemporary trained, Karen now studies, practices and teaches Classical Pilates since she was first introduced to it in 2012.

With an eagerness to learn, Karen continually seeks out the best training opportunities available to her and understands the importance of personal practice. Demonstrating the importance of prioritising self-care and self-development with the intention to motivate others to do the same. Karen shares her knowledge and experience at every opportunity, teaching and guiding with enthusiasm and integrity.


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