tuesday strength & mobility.

stay strong and mobileā€¦

Join me at 7:30pm on a Tuesday evening at The Ledge Climbing Wall for an hour of strength and mobility training.

This class is bodyweight only, and designed to help you develop better body awareness, hip flexibility and core strength that will translate across to the wall and improve your climbing performance (as well as help you recover and prevent injuries). This class is suitable for all levels (including pre-natal clients) and open to climbers and non-climbers alike!

  • "I get so much out of Rianna's classes and try to do them every week. The crossover to my strength training has been huge and feel like my squats are so much better as a direct result of all the work with rianna."

    Lorraine L.

  • "I absolutely love the mobility classes and learning some of those sequences!"

    Gail M.

  • "Love the mobility class on a tuesday! just wish I could do the friday one too!"

    Cara A.

  • "great class this morning! i'll be joining as much as i can - I like that it's an early session."

    Tom P.

  • "loved this class today - brilliant start to a monday! thanks :)"

    Laura J.