which phase is your favourite?

We all have moments we love and moments we love significantly less when it comes to our menstrual cycle. A method I have tuned into quite recently is paying attention to the moments when I genuinely feel at my best and leaning into those hard, whether for training purposes or just a general enjoyment and zest for life! By honing in on these moments, it can help build a loose menstrual cycle structure, that will in turn make things like tracking that much easier, and possibly bearable for those of you who currently find it unbearable.

So here are the favourite phases of my cycle, and no they don’t always encompass full phases :)


Every time I finish my period (especially when it finishes on time and doesn’t dawdle) I feel like spring is arriving. There’s this slow burn of energy building in the background which is really satisfying, as I move from a period (ha!) of training de-load and rest, into an energised and ‘ready to hit it’ zone.

That time taken away from training is really valuable in that it gets me excited and restless to go again, push myself, and look forward to each session with a clear focus in mind.


Basically, I feel like I want to stick my favourite song of the moment on (something by Maroon 5) and dance around my living room pretending I’m a pro.

I also become somewhat erotically charged and aim to take full benefit of the early green days in my cycle before the run up to ovulation kicks in and protection must be worn 😉

Side note: I have yet to experience any losses in cardio ability or strength due to this rest phase.


I’m starting to really enjoy the slightly calmer feeling of getting past ovulation and settling into the start of my luteal phase. For one, cervical fluid calms the f*ck down, which let’s face it, is just nicer. My brain feels slightly calmer and more spacious, which is wuuuuuunderful. Again, the horniness comes back, and I’m back in the green zone 😉😉

I get a big hit of productive hormone from somewhere, which combined with the ability to eat more and still train hard, makes this my ideal phase to enjoy and reap rewards from!


I know these might seem downright bonkers to some of you, because everyone will have their own favourite moments of their cycle.

I would love to hear whether any of the above resonates, and what your personal experiences are, so please comment, share on socials and tag @thefemalemethod, or email me directly at hello@thefemalemethod.com 🖤


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